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10.07.2024 Sir David BaulcombeUniversity of CambridgeRNA silencing in disease and disease resistance Click here
22.05.2024 Dr. Susana CoelhoMax-Planck-Institute for Biology, TübingenBrown algae as comparative models for investigating the evolution and regulation of sexual life cycles and reproduction Click here
26.04.2024 Prof. Dr. Harmit S. MalikFred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, University of WashingtonGenetic conflicts during meiosis drive the rapid evolution of essential chromatin proteins Click here
14.03.2024 Prof. Dr. Joachim KurtzUniversity of MünsterExperimental evolution in the red flour beetle Click here
28.02.2024 Dr. Beatriz VicosoInstitute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)Evolution and regulation of ZW sex chromosomes in sexual and asexual brine shrimp (Artemia) Click here
09.11.2023 Dr. Romain LibbrechtUniversity of ToursFactors and mechanisms controlling phenotypic specialization in insect societies Click here
31.10.2023 Dr. Qiaowei PanUniversity of LausanneSex determination from fish to ants Click here
25.07.2023 Dr. Yun DingUniversity of PennsylvaniaThe cellular and neural origin of species-specific mating behavior Click here
09.05.2023 Buck TribleHarvard UniversityThe molecular basis of caste development and evolution in ants Click here
04.10.2022 Toni GoßmannUniversity BielefeldBigData meets Darwin: Understanding function and disease through evolutionary approaches Click here
30.06.2022 Gilles TravéInstitut de génétique et de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, StrasbourgMultifunctional E6 oncoproteins produced by oncogenic HPVs: atomic and interactomic insights into viral and tumor hijacking of human cells Click here
05.10.2021 David GokhmanWeizmann Institute of ScienceHuman evolution through the lens of gene regulation Click here
28.09.2021 Bill WicksteadUniversity of NottinghamDifferent kit, same rules? Evolution and regulation of the non-canonical kinetochores of trypanosomes Click here
07.09.2021 Hendrik HuthoffFriedrich Schiller University, JenaLooking after your mental health in academia Click here
19.07.2021 Zoë AyresAnalytical Scientist & Mental Health AdvocateThe human element: Managing mental health and why we are more than just our research Click here
01.06.2021 Marie-Anne FélixInstitut de Biologie de l'École Normale SupérieureA model organism in the wild: C. elegans in an evolutionary and ecological context Click here
10.05.2021 Desiree DickersonAcademic Mental Health & Well-being Consultant , Valencia, SpainNavigating Uncertainty during COVID times Click here
21.04.2021 Thomas RigottiInstitute of Psychology, JGU Mainz Leibniz Institute for Resilience ResearchHow the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts Scientists – About Risks and Coping Options Click here
13.04.2021 Jacintha EllersFree University of AmsterdamGenome evolution during symbiosis: a tale of loss and expansion Click here
23.02.2021 Yannick WurmQueen Mary University LondonEvolutionary innovations in ants & bees: genetic architectures & constraints Click here
19.01.2021 Bernhard HorsthemkeUniversity of Duisburg-EssenWhole genome DNA methylation analysis of male germ cells in fertile, infertile and aging men Click here
24.11.2020 Michael HillerMPI Dreseden/Senckenberg Society FrankfurtLinking phenotypic differences between species to differences in genes and cis-regulatory elements Click here
20.10.2020 Hinrich SchulenburgUniversity of KielEvolutionary interactions between the nematode C.elegans and its naturally associated microbes Click here
22.09.2020 Eric MiskaUniversity of CambridgeNew biology and therapeutics from RNA structure and modification Click here
25.08.2020 Björn SchumacherUniversity of CologneDNA damage responses in Aging and Cancer Click here
07.07.2020 Tanja SchwanderUniversité de LausanneCANCELLED: Evolution of gene expression in asexual animals: Insights from stick insects Click here
24.03.2020 Gilles TravéInstitut de génétique et de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, StrasbourgCANCELLED: Hijacking of host domain‐motif networks by papillomavirus E6 oncoproteins: a structural and interactomic perspective Click here
25.02.2020 Eric MiskaUniversity of CambridgeCANCELLED: New biology and therapeutics from RNA structure and modification Click here